"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." 
By Lao Tzu

 Have you heard this one before?  Most likely. It is a very famous quote and one that I happen to love.  There are a lot of different ways a person could read and think about Lao Tzu's quote.  

  • The emphasis might be placed on the words 'journey of a thousand miles' which may represent upcoming travel, a phase of personal growth, finding your way through a crisis, achieving an important goal and more.

  • The emphasis might be placed on the word 'begins' which may represent the first moment of awareness, the making of a decision, a physical starting point, etc. 

  • The emphasis might be placed on the words 'single step' which may represent acting on the commitment to proceed and taking a small action towards a bigger goal (the thousand miles). 

Whatever you take away from the quote will most likely be influenced by what you are experiencing in your life and what is most relevant.   What comes to mind for you when you read this quote?  

  • What is your journey of a thousand miles?  
  • What symbolizes your beginning?  
  • What single step might you wish to take to help move forward?  
  • Once you take that first step, what will help you with the miles to follow in the journey?

The pursuit of living a great life when you have AD/HD can sometimes feel like that journey of 1000 miles.  I know because I have been there!  My life's work as a coach is to help others discover how to navigate their journey of 1000 miles ahead.  It all begins with taking a first step.  If you have not already,  click here to receive your free guide on 10 Essential Steps for Living Your Best Life with AD/HD.  

   Join Me During the Next Virtual Open House   

Occasionally, I host a virtual open house where you can join me online, learn more about the ten essential steps for living well with AD/HD and ask questions that may help with your situation. Consider joining me during the next virtual open house.  Its free, and it dedicated to being a resource for you.  

Saturday, July 23rd
10:00 to 10:45 am.

Attend by Computer or Telephone.

Click here to register.



   Are you struggling to get stuff done?   

You have your checklist, you know what you need to do, but somehow you never get around to it.  Sound familiar?  Here are a few tips to help you get started...

Anchor it:  A list is great, but even better is figuring out ahead of time when you will do what's on your list.  In this context, anchoring is attaching a task to a specific opportunity or time point in your day. Maybe that entails writing it down in an open block of time on your planner.  Maybe it's setting the task up to follow another one you do pretty consistently.  Either approach begins by reviewing and planning out your day to determine where the task will fit in.  

I use to have the best of intentions to get things done at the start of each day.  But as the day progressed, I would become side tracked or even forget altogether what I wanted to accomplish.  Next thing you know it's 5:00 pm and I am wondering where all my time went.  The game changer for me was actually creating a new habit to review my commitments for the day and anchoring the tasks to specific opportunities or time points in my day.   In fact, my new habit of planning my day was anchored to an existing habit of making my first cup of coffee.   

Automate the start-up:   The easier it is to begin the task the better.  Do you have a task you find yourself never getting around to?   Look for ways that you can gather and organize what you need for completing a task in a ready-to-go kit.  Here is one example.   Paying the bills that can't be made by automatic payment.  Perhaps you put it off because you first have to find the bills, stamps, envelopes, checkbook and they are all in random places.  Perhaps you forget to pay the bills because they are due on random days of each month.  One idea is to create a bill paying kit that keeps your unpaid bills, checkbook, pens, envelopes and stamps together for the time you need it.  You could keep the bill paying kit next to where you open the mail.  When you open the bill, write the check, address the envelope, place a stamp on it.  Enter a reminder into your device that cues you to mail the bill a few days before the due date.   

Approach the task in a way that is more interesting or enjoyable:  Do you find the task boring or tedious?  Combine the activity with something else that is more interesting or enjoyable.  For example, folding laundry could be combined with catching up on the news.  Emptying the dishwasher could be combined with listening to your favorite tunes.  Going for a walk could be combined with calling a friend or family member to say hello and catch up.  If you find yourself low on energy and unmotivated, try to get yourself moving by doing something desirable for the next 5-10 minutes and then use the momentum and endorphin boost to help you get stated with the real task at hand.  

Hope you found one of these tips helpful.  

  • What's on your to-do list that needs to get done?
  • Which one of these approaches could you try to help you get going?  
  • When and how will you do that?  


   Coaching Opportunities   

Interested in Individual Coaching:  The first step is to click here and schedule a free consultation.  It's the best way to get acquainted, help me to understand your needs and to answer your questions.   

Looking for a Support Group Environment:  If you have been desiring to participate in a support group environment or trying to find affordable coaching, this program offers both.   I am now recruiting for two groups to begin this fall:

The support group meets twice each month.  Each session includes a brief presentation on a new topic, followed by discussion time, Q&A and help with planning next steps to address your needs. 

Do you have a student who struggles academically and could use help for the coming school year?  The end of July or early August is a great time to begin looking for a coach.  An ADHD Coach can help your child identify their strengths and address executive function challenges (time management, organization, planning, prioritizing, task initiation and persistence, etc. ) that get in their way with success in school.  Beginning in the summer gives you a head start for a better school year.   Learn more.


All my best in your life's journey ahead!

Robin Nordmeyer
Certified Life Coach and ADHD Coach

Life Ahead Coaching, LLC